Frauenhaus Münster

Who we are

Protecting women and children from violence

We are the Frauenhaus Münster.
The women’s refuge in Münster was founded in 1991 and is part of the Frauenhaus und Beratung e.V. association, which is an autonomous and self-governing association dedicated to the protection of women and children affected by violence.


The way to the women's refuge

Are you looking for a place at a women's refuge?

What is a women’s refuge?
A women’s refuge is a shelter for women and children who are threatened or affected by violence. Here you and your children are given temporary accommodation, protection, advice and support.

Where is the women’s refuge?
The address of the women’s refuge is secret. This means that you and your children are safe with us.

How can you reach us?
If you want to come to us, you can always call us. If we have free places, we will arrange a meeting point nearby, where we will pick you and your children up.

Who can come to us?
Every woman who experiences violence or is affected by violence can move to the women’s refuge. No matter what nationality, religion or how much money she has. Whether with or without children. We are a place for all people who see themselves as women. We are queer-friendly. Just give us a call and we will clarify everything personally. Even if you’re not sure whether we’re the right place for you. You can come to us in the case of any form of violence. No matter who exercises the violence.


Living at the women’s refuge

A safe place.

At the women’s refuge, you and your children are protected.

  • The women’s refuge is a safe place for you and your children. The address is secret.

  • You live alone or with your children in your own room. You share the kitchen, bathroom, living room and play area with the other women and children. You organize your everyday life yourself.

  • Only women who are committed to you and your children work at the women’s refuge. That is what we call partiality. We as employees are available on site at fixed times. We help you with all your concerns and support you. Children have their own contact persons.

  • Community is important to us. We do great things together, celebrate parties and go on vocation. So we can escape from everyday life and experience wonderful moments.

  • Don’t be worry about the length of your stay: you can stay as long as necessary.

Children at the women’s refuge

Women’s refuges are always also children protection centres.

  • Children are always affected by violence themselves. No matter whether they experience violence themselves or witness it.

  • At the women’s refuge, children find a place where they can feel safe and secure. In an anxiety-free atmosphere, they can calm down, coming to terms with their experiences.

  • Here each child has their own contact person, who helps the children come to terms with the violence they have experienced and supports them.  

  • There are play and childcare activities for children several times a week.

  • We can accept boys up to the age of 17.


Our help

By your side.

We support and accompany women and children.
No matter what topics are on your mind. We will see together where you and your children need support and help. Just give us a call! We do not pass any information on to others. We stand by your side, accompanying you towards a self-determined life. We speak several languages (English, Spanish, Tamil). If required, we will call in an interpreter.


Every donation
is helpful.


We are here for you.


For safety reasons, we keep our address secret.

Telephone 02506 6755
Fax 02506 6539

Postfach 480161
48078 Münster


Jede Spende hilft.

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Alle Spenden sind steuerabzugsfähig, Spendenbescheinigungen werden ausgestellt. Bitte gib dazu deine Anschrift an.

Für Spenden bis zu einer Höhe von 300,00 € reicht der Nachweis auf dem Kontoauszug zur Vorlage beim Finanzamt aus.

Möchtest du ein bestimmtes Projekt unterstützen, gib dies bitte unter „Verwendungszweck“ an (z.B. Frauenhaus Münster/Telgte oder Frauenberatungsstelle).

Frauenhaus und Beratung e.V.
Sparkasse Münsterland Ost
IBAN DE45 4005 0150 0000 3015 98


Every donation helps.

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Donations information

All donations are tax-deductible. Donation receipts will be issued.

Please provide your address for this purpose.

For donations up to €300, proof via bank statement is sufficient for tax purposes.

If you’d like to support a specific project, please indicate this under “Purpose” (e.g., Women’s Shelter Münster/Telgte or Women’s Counseling Center).´

Donation Account
Frauenhaus und Beratung e.V.
Sparkasse Münsterland Ost
IBAN: DE45 4005 0150 0000 3015 98


A person can face multiple forms of discrimination for different reasons.

This might be due to their gender, skin color, social class, a disability, or sexual orientation.

All these aspects of a person are interconnected and influence each other.

This means everyone has their own experiences with discrimination and may face multiple forms of discrimination for different characteristics.

For instance:

  • A Black woman might be treated differently than a white woman because she is both a woman and Black, and these two factors interact.
  • A refugee woman with a disability might face racist discrimination, discrimination for being a woman, and challenges due to her disability (e.g., lack of accessibility in public spaces).

All these factors work together, making the person’s situation more difficult.

Patriarchal Violence

Patriarchal violence affects many areas of the society we live in. Everything considered “female” is subordinated to what is “male.” Men have historically enjoyed and still have many advantages over women, along with more power.

This occurs both at home and in public spaces – for example, at work, in politics, in government agencies, or in social environments.

Violence happens because many people think men are better or more important than women.

This often leads to women doing unpaid caregiving and household work, earning less money, or lacking access to education and school.

Patriarchal violence often aims to ensure that people who do not fit the accepted image of masculinity are oppressed and have less power.

Patriarchal violence also means that men or groups of men use violence to maintain power over women and other genders.

This violence can be physical, verbal, or take the form of control over finances.

Examples include when men:

  • Hit women
  • Harass women
  • Insult, suppress, or treat women unfairly