Bist du in Not?
Schnelle Hilfe findest du hier.
Are you in need?
You can find quick help here.
Êtes-vous dans le besoin?
Vous pouvez trouver une aide rapide ici.
هل أنت محتاج؟
.يمكنك العثور على مساعدة سريعة هنا.
¿Estás en necesidad?
Puede encontrar ayuda rápida aquí.
Da li ste u nevolji?
Ovde možete pronaći brzu pomoć.
Ai nevoie?
Turkey găsi ajutor rapid aici.
İhtiyacın var mı?
Burada hızlı yardım bulabilirsiniz.
Вы нуждаетесь?
Здесь вы можете найти быструю помощь.
Ви потребуєте?
Ви можете знайти швидку допомогу тут.
Hai bisogno?
Puoi trovare un aiuto rapido qui.
آیا نیاز دارید؟
شما می توانید کمک سریع در اینجا پیدا کنید اینجا.
Our help
Are you looking for a
women’s refuge?
Then call us. We are always available!
If you need a place, give us a call and we will discuss everything together. Everything you say is confidential.

02506 6755
02504 5155
Online search
If we cannot accommodate you, you can search for a free place at a women’s refuge here:

Are you in acute danger?
- Call the police.
- Leave the apartment
and seek shelter with
neighbors, friends
or family.
If there is enough time, take the following things with you:
For yourself:
- Identity papers
- Residence papers (if you do not possess German citizenship)
- Birth certificate, marriage certificate
- Account cards, account statements
- Health insurance card
- Savings books, proof of investments
- current wage/salary statements
- Child benefit number
- necessary medication
- clothing
For your children:
- Favourite toy
- Health booklet, vaccination card
- Certificates, school bags and school supplies
24/7 help hotline
The nationwide help hotline against violence offers free telephone counselling around the clock in 18 different languages and sign language:
Do you need consultation?
Do you need a consultation meeting?
Call our counselling centre!
Then we arrange an appointment.
Monday: 9 am – 4 pm
Tuesday: 9 am – 7 pm
Wednesday: 9 am – 4 pm
Thursday: 10 am – 7 pm
Friday: 9 am – 3 pm